*Late fees resume on May 23, 2024.
*Water service disconnections occur the end of each month on past due balances. Notices shall be mailed and door tags delivered prior to disconnections.
*FREE to pay water bill using e-check or bank draft from your bank account! If you paid using these methods in March, you received a credit for the $3.50 convenience fee.
Bill Payment Options
About Municipal District Services
Municipal District Services, LLC (MDS) is a locally owned utility district management firm focused on providing operational, regulatory, and customer service excellence. MDS provides safe drinking water and compliant wastewater treatment to more than 100,000 connections and businesses in the Greater Houston area.
About Municipal District Services
Municipal District Services, LLC (MDS) is a locally owned utility district management firm focused on providing operational, regulatory, and customer service excellence. MDS provides safe drinking water and compliant wastewater treatment to more than 100,000 connections and businesses in the Greater Houston area.